HIGH TIBIAL OSTEOTOMY / JOINT PRESERVATION SURGERY FOR EARLY KNEE ARTHRITIS -- DELAYS KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY . Degenerative arthritis and malalignment can cause the knee’s protective tissues to wear on one side more than the other in a repetitive cycle of damage. a technique known as an osteotomy can realign the knee, taking pressure off the damaged side. high tibial osteotomy wedges open the upper shin bone (tibia) to reconfigure the knee joint. The weight-bearing part of the knee is shifted from degenerative or worn tissue onto healthier tissue. A high tibial osteotomy is generally considered a method of prolonging the time before a knee replacement is necessary because the benefits typically fade after eight to ten years. This procedure is typically reserved for younger patients with pain resulting from instability and malalignment of knee (early knee arthritis) . IF YOU WANT TO DELAY KNEE REPLACEMENT , YOU WANT TO BUY TIME ? but want to reduce your knee pain - CONTAC